k imagine ur great at sumtin,much better than many other n then a younger,less experienced person comes n corrects u at that specific thing...points out ur mistakes n tell u what to do..wudnt u feel offended..that this junior is challeging ur supremecy..
Well it happen to me n to be brutally honest i felt like saying ' ur not as gud as me,u have no rite to say tat'...i noe its very arrogantly sed but tats how i felt at that moment.I am better than tat person(her) n tats a fact but....she was rite....i did make mistakes,mostly stupid mistakes n she spotted it.
When ur at tat situation,u have to view ur options...1.listen to my pride,ask her to bug off n be hated by her or 2.be humble,accept her correction n be wise..I read once in the bible,in proverb, tat if wise person listens to correction may it be from the young or old but a stupid person never admits he's wrong..
Im glad i chose the high road..its so hard to admit tat ur wrong but i did..i realise tat being humble wud be better option..i rather be humble get it right than to be arrogant n get it wrong..i realised tat jus coz ur older doesnt owes mean ur much superior..i realised the only way to improve is to accept the correction..learnin is a never ending process,u cant master sumthing..there is owes room for improvement
If u think about it,it wud be embarassing to have sumone much younger than u teach u sumting tat u think ur quite gud in..but it takes humbleness to do it,it takes humbleness to accept correction especially from sum1 hu is younger
At the end of it,i feel more or else proud of myself...i followed one of the fruits of the spirit...love,joy,peace,patience,longsuffering,...humbleness?..ok i cant remember all of it so sue me..=) FIN